Christians and the Sabbath

Last update: May 15, 2017 Most Christian denominations today worship on Sunday, or the first day of the week, rather than on the Sabbath, or the seventh day of the week.  Yet, Seventh-day Adventists and other Sabbatarians continue to observe the Sabbath as a “holy day” – along with practicing Jews.  Why?  What is so important…

Feathered Dinosaurs?

Based on a short essay I wrote in April, 2012 (Link), and republished with a few modifications and additions here due to the recent find (July, 2016) of a small feathered dinosaur tail perfectly preserved in amber (Link). Similarities between birds and dinosaurs: Modern scientists have long believed and taught that modern birds originally evolved…

Young Dinosaur Fossils?

Original Work of Mary Schweitzer: Back in 2005, Dr. Mary Schweitzer absolutely shocked the scientific community when she published her discovery of exquisitely preserved soft tissues in dinosaur bones that even remained elastic (Link). There were also intact blood vessels and individual dinosaur cells. Beyond this, there were intact original dinosaur proteins as well as evidence…

Dinosaur Nests and Tracks – During a World-Wide Flood?

Introduction: Many honest Christians often wonder how certain features of the fossil record can be explained by a worldwide Noachian-style Flood as described in the Bible. One particularly common question has to do with dinosaur eggs and trackways within the fossil record.  How, in the middle of a huge global Flood, could dinosaurs be walking…

Something From “Nothing”?

Making a God of Nothing: Modern atheistic scientist, like Stephen Hawking, Lawrence Krauss, Richard Dawkins and the like are claiming that pretty much everything ultimately came from essentially nothing – and that is why the notion of an eternal omnipotent God is no longer needed to explain anything that exists – to include the origin of…